We are much better at seeing what went than what is coming.
Past, Present, and Future
One foot in the past and one foot in the future gives us a perfect view of the present.
Looking Ahead
Whatever your station in life, make sure you move on to the next one…
Conspiracy again
Mysticism and conspiracy—Two secrets to the alternative reality many crave.
Conspiracy Theories
Reality hosts an increasingly un-captivated audience.
Embrace the Present… The most precious thing in life is its uncertainty.—Yoshida Kenko (Japan, 1283-1350 ; Essays in Idleness, c. 1340)
The Future of Understanding
Depends on the recognition that Life is two-way traffic on a one-way road.
Politics again
Politics requires passion about the subjective or desire to control the passions of others, which are, of course, one and the same.
The Key
The key is finding the right lock!
Elections are reflections: a chance to be collective instead of a collection; a chance to reevaluate our views; a chance to be us instead of them.