
The ultimate unifying principle is individuality.–KR

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker,
that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love,
and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.
—Adam Smith (United Kingdom, 1723-1790; The Wealth of Nations, 1776)

Sound Familiar?…

Always deny what you don’t want to be known, and always affirm what you want to be believed. For, though there be much–even conclusive–evidence to the contrary, a fervent affirmation or denial will often create at least some doubt in the mind of your listener.–Francesco Guicciardini (Italy, 1483-1540; political theorist of the Medicis and friend of Machiavelli). The allusions to Trump’s despotic tendencies are no illusion.



The Enemy of Human Souls
Sat grieving at the cost of coals;
For hell had been annexed of late,
And was a sovereign Southern State.

“It were no more than right,” said he,
“That I should get my fuel free
The duty, neither just or wise,
Compels me to economize–
Whereby my broilers, every one,
Are execrably underdone.
What would they have?–although I yearn
To do them nicely to a turn,
I can’t afford an honest heat.
This tariff makes even devils cheat!
I’m ruined and my humble trade
All rascals may at will invade:
Beneath my nose the public press
Outdoes me in sulphureousness;
The bar ingeniously applies
To my undoing my own lies;
My medicines the doctors use
(Albeit mainly) to refuse
To me my fair and rightful prey
And keep their own in shape to pay;
The preachers by example teach
What, scorning to perform, I preach;
And statesman, aping me, all make
More promises than they can break.
Against such competition I
Lift up a disregarded cry.
Since all ignore my just complaint,
By Hokey-Pokey! I’ll turn saint!”
Now, the Republicans, who all
Are saints, began at once to bawl
Against his competition; so
There was a devil of a go!
They locked horns with him, tête-à-tête
In acrimonious debate,
Till Democrats, forlorn and lone,
Had hopes of coming by their own.
That evil to avert in haste
The two belligerents embraced;
But since ’twere wicked to relax
A tittle of a Sacred Tax,
‘Twas finally agreed to grant
The bold Insurgent-protestant
A bounty on each soul that fell
Into his ineffectual Hell.

Edam Smith (Ambrose Bierce)